We Refuse to Ugly Cry Over Tom Felton
In the last few days, we’ve seen a lot of talk about how Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy) won’t be returning as a series regular on the CW’s The Flash. All of this comes from one place: San Diego Comic-Con. Cue ugly crying from Felton fans everywhere who were just getting into the whole Killer Frost and Julian Albert romantic pairing.
While the annual convention appears to be a trusted source for news on all things nerdgasmic and geektastic, we are questioning the wording of most of the articles stating that Tom won’t be back and refuse to ugly cry over his absence from the convention until the fat lady sings an aria that confirms his exit. Let’s dissect this news a bit, shall we?
First, The Flash had a panel at SDCC last week, where Tom was weirdly absent, considering the lead-up last season to a relationship between Caitlin and Julian. In addition to his absence, the upcoming season’s trailer shown at SDCC also didn’t show Tom’s character. At all. Take a look.
Second, the cast who did attend SDCC appeared in a group interview for Entertainment Weekly, but information on the new season was a bit scarce. What we do know is that after Barry chose to enter the Speed Force in order to save the timeline, when the new season airs in October, fans will see a jump in time, about six months. In case you missed the cast interview, we’ve included it as a way to help build our case for Tom’s return. Notice that they don’t talk about Julian (or Tom, for that matter) at all!
Third, let’s look at the actual wording in Entertainment Weekly’s article: “Tom Felton will not be returning as a series regular for the fourth season of The Flash, EW has learned exclusively.”
Oh really? If anyone has actually been paying attention to the show’s opening credits since Tom started appearing on the series, he has never been credited as a series regular. Tom Felton’s name in the credits is always listed as “Special Appearance by Tom Felton.”
Additionally, while the Flash’s timeline has changed a few times thanks to Barry trying to both reverse his mother’s death, thus creating the Flashpoint, AND correct all the things that occurred because of the Flashpoint, we know that Julian was still a part of S.T.A.R. Labs. He was included in the flash-forward episodes that showed Julian in the year 2024, still trying to cure Caitlin of her alter ego, Killer Frost.
Finally, EW also states that Tom has not yet been booked for the new season. This can and does happen a lot with continuing television series. Talent can either sign on the dotted line super early or finalize a contract at the last minute, depending on negotiations or other project obligations. We simply do not have concrete proof yet that Tom’s character won’t be back. Until we hear it straight from Tom or from the writers of the series, we don’t believe it.

Source: Giphy
MuggleNet attended Tom Felton’s panel at Emerald City Comicon in Seattle this year, where Tom expressed his love for the show and mused on his character’s future. He also didn’t indicate that he wouldn’t be back and appeared very interested in the potential for Caitlin and Julian. You can see the entire ECCC panel below.
We’re not ready to accept the headlines that are floating around touting the end of Tom’s time on the show or the romantic pairing of Julian and Caitlin. We will go down with this ship!

Source: Giphy
Plus, Tom on our television screens each week is just awesome.
Let us know your thoughts on Tom’s potential absence or return to The Flash! Do you think he should continue with his role as Julian Albert or are you hoping he tackles a different kind of role?