Seven Reasons Why I’m a Book Lover
I was nine years old when I picked up my first copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. I already liked reading at that point, but that was the book that turned me into a true book lover. For the first time, I was absorbed in a book for hours, and I was only able to tear myself away from Harry’s adventures when my stomach started rumbling. This was the beginning of a long and devoted relationship with books. There are many reasons to love reading, and in honor of Book Lovers Day, I’m sharing some of mine.
Language is amazing!
Books helped me learn English when I was seven years old and found myself living in a new country, fully immersed in a school where no one spoke Spanish. In the pages of children’s books, I found a love of language that eventually inspired me to pursue writing. Every time I read a beautifully constructed sentence, I’m amazed by the way symbols on a page can stir our emotions and connect us to each other.
Imagination knows no bounds.
A hidden school in Scotland where children learn to use magic. A winged creature that can only be seen by those who have a deep understanding of death. A gentle giant who loves caring for beasts that are often misunderstood. All these things exist in our imaginations thanks to books. Words printed on paper can allow us to construct strange and beautiful worlds in our minds, and I think that’s pretty darn amazing.
We get to see the world from different perspectives.
While we may be pretty familiar with life in our own culture, people all over the world are having vastly different experiences from ours. Books allow us to connect with stories we might not otherwise ever know, see life through the eyes of someone else, and ultimately understand that we’re not all that different from each other.
We’re not alone.
Whatever you may feel right now, someone else has felt it at some point in time. Books can be powerful companions when they show us that everyone, no matter where they’re from or what time they lived in, has felt pain, joy, fear, love, and loneliness. Books can help us get through anything by reminding us that we’re all in this together.
Sometimes you need a break from it all.
It’s easy to spend every waking moment of your adult life stressing about your career, your student loans, your five-year plan… Are you living up to your own expectations? Are you making the right decisions? These thoughts can be all-consuming, and sometimes you just need to take a break from them. I find that books are the best way to turn off my anxiety for an hour or two, and then I can come back to worrying with a refreshed brain.
It’s a workout for your brain.
Of course, reading is not all about escape. While you’re saving the world from a Dark wizard or trying to find three magical objects that make the holder master of death, you can also learn new vocabulary, become acquainted with new concepts, and even practice some critical thinking.
It can be fun to be a know-it-all.
Sure, some people find it annoying when you correct them or you start an argument with “Trust me, I read about this,” but who cares? Knowledge is fun, and reading is my favorite way to amass it. Your friends won’t be rolling their eyes at you when you help the team get those bonus points at trivia night.
Why do you love to read? Tell us in the comments!
And don’t forget – the ultimate book lovers event is coming up on September 1! Tickets to MuggleNet Live! 2017: Nineteen Years Later are still available for purchase, and we would LOVE to meet you in Orlando for an amazing Potter fandom experience! Check out our website for details and then get your ticket to have a private, magical evening with MuggleNet and the awesome talent from the Potter films!