Why I Am Still Seeing “Cursed Child”
I was so excited the day the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child script came out, I actually hunted down the mailman so that I could read the script on my plane ride that afternoon. My hands were trembling with unbridled excitement as I flipped to the first page. By the time I read the last words less than a day later, my giddiness had faded and was replaced by disappointment. I won’t go into detail about how Cursed Child reopened old plot holes or why I do not consider it totally canon, but I do want to explain why I am going to see the play in New York City, despite being extremely disappointed with the script.
For me, the initial reason I wanted to see the play is dedication. Perhaps I am alone in this sentiment, but a small part of me wants to see the play simply because I have seen the rest. After all of these years, it would feel odd to me to not see the next installment, given the chance. Personally, I just need to see this one too.
Secondly, I am a big believer in the idea that one can never judge something one has not seen. For me, I cannot judge the merit of the play itself until I have finally seen the play. You can click here to learn all about the talented actors and actresses who have won awards for their roles or click here or here to learn about the play’s awards and nominations. Plus, the story could be different from the printed script due to changes in rehearsal. True, not enough to fix the major plots holes that I disagree with, but it will still be interesting to see those changes. Either way, while I can disagree with the script, I cannot totally write off the performances.
This actually brings me to my third reason to see the play: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is a play. Yes, I know this sounds silly, but it is true. Above all, Cursed Child is another magical story. It is meant to entertain and enchant audiences, just like all the books and movies that came before it. In the end, no matter how much I may disagree with Harry Potter’s behavior or Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy’s use of Time-Turners, the play is another excuse to take me back to Hogwarts.
But what about you? Comment below why you plan to see the play. And don’t forget to mention where – West End or the opening at Broadway!