CC #418: Week of April 5, 2020
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Myrtle: “Harry, I think I am feeling flushed.”
Myrtle: “Can I come in, too?”
Harry: “I’m not sure we’re that far yet.”
Myrtle: “Then let’s get that far.” (Gets in tub)
Moaning Myrtle, you’re the one
You make bath time not so fun
Moaning Myrtle, I’m rather perturbed by you
Moaning Myrtle, woe of woes
Leaning there on your elbows
Moaning Myrtle, you’re a little pervy, it’s true
—Jennie Brinker
Myrtle: “Why’s he so hot when I’m so cold?”
—Loony Lovely
When you’re just trying to Netflix and chill but you have that one roommate.
As the sounds of a screeching violin grew louder and louder, Harry began to think bathing at the Bates Motel had not, on second thought, been the wisest choice.
—Dylan Cassella
Myrtle: “I should warn you, Harry, sometimes Freddie Kreuger haunts this bathroom, too.”
—Kyle M.
Harry: “Toilet paper, soap, water, and only a ghost for company… ready for this COVID-19 quarantine!”
—Audrey H.
Paranormal Activity 7
—Alex M.
Myrtle reminds Harry that, as a ghost, she doesn’t need to stay six feet away.
—Annie S.C.
When your sibling comes into the bathroom whilst you are on the toilet just to annoy you.
Nobody: (Harry)
Embarassing memories from five years ago: (Myrtle)
—Katie R.
Myrtle: “If you really want volume, Harry, you should try L’Oreal.”
—Ruby F.
“Cedric’s is much smaller than yours, Harry!”
—Liz M.
Myrtle: “You know, Harry, I hold the title for holding your breath the longest in this school. Look in the water, I’m still there holding it.”