“The Late Late Show” Gets a Concert from Brendan Gleeson
In a time that’s proving to be stressful for some, it’s a good idea to occasionally sink into some really good music. Brendan Gleeson (Mad-Eye Moody) and his son Fergus Gleeson made a small tribute to the people who are still stuck at home on The Late Late Show. The pair played “A Pint of Plain Is Your Only Man” and put on an amazing performance.
The song sounds very traditional and cheerful. Both father and son play their instruments to the audience as though they have done this a thousand times before. At one point, Brendan Gleeson leans back and puts his foot on his knee as if he were having any other normal conversation.
Fans went just about nuts for the show and took to Twitter to share it. Viewers praised not only his talent but also his message to the world during these trying times.
It’s a time where everyone is beginning to reflect a bit. There’s a huge sense of time where, obviously, there is an awful lot of pressure on people, and under no situation should you underestimate the amount of worry that’s out there.
Gleeson also took a moment to show appreciation for those who are on the frontlines of the world’s current health crisis.
In terms of people who are out [on] the frontline, it’s just a wonderful thing to see all of that prioritised. We always know that health is better than wealth and all that, and we say that to ourselves. But for health to be front and centre and for people’s morale and for kindness to be front and centre in the nation, that’s what makes me proud of the place and want to come home.
On top of his musical tropes, Gleeson is still prepping for his upcoming role. Confirmed in October 2019, Gleeson will be portraying President Donald Trump in A Higher Loyalty, a rendition of James Comey’s book of the same title. A release date has not been made public as of yet.