“Harry Potter” Fandom Community Launches Fundraiser for Trans-Supporting Organizations – Get Your Merch Here
The Harry Potter fandom is celebrating July 31 the best way it knows how: by raising money for trans-supporting organizations
MuggleNet, in equal partnership with Alohomora!, Black Girls Create, the Harry Potter Alliance, Hogwarts Radio, HPANA, La Gazette du Sorcier, the Leaky Cauldron, MuggleCast, Portus, PotterCast, Potterhead Running Club, Potterless, Le PotterTime, SpeakBeasty, Swish & Flick, and countless other fandom entities, has launched a joint fundraiser in support of Lambda Legal, the Marsha P. Johnson Institute, and the Trans Justice Funding Project. We have a wide variety of shirts, hoodies, caps, totes, and pins for sale, all featuring the iconic lightning bolt in trans colors designed by Lacey Villareal.
Following our commitment to do better work in our community to uplift and center marginalized individuals and create positive change from within our platforms, MuggleNet wanted to go a step further. Our participation in this joint fundraiser continues our commitment to serving the Harry Potter community from a more conscious standpoint than we have done in the past. Through our combined efforts and the generosity and solidarity of the fandom, the fundraiser reached its starting goal to raise a combined $5,000 for trans-supporting organizations within nine hours of the 9 a.m. PT/12 p.m. ET launch time.
Lambda Legal, the Marsha P. Johnson Institute, and the Trans Justice Funding Project are all organizations whose aims align with pressing challenges of this moment: “to achieve full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and everyone living with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work”; to protect and defend “the human rights of BLACK transgender people“ through “organizing, advocating, creating an intentional community to heal, developing transformative leadership,” and promoting the collective power of Black transgender individuals; and “to support grassroots trans justice groups run by and for trans people” through awarding unrestricted grants.
This order form will be open for TWO WEEKS ONLY, until Saturday, August 15 at 11:59 p.m. Please share this fundraiser using the hashtag #WandsUp. We are so proud to be part of a community that has come together in support of all people. Let’s see if we can double our contribution.
Happy birthday, Harry!
Check out everyone who helped make this possible below:
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