A Selection of the Bada$$ Girl Power Things Emma Watson Has Said
Don’t let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do or cannot achieve. Do. Not. Allow. It.”
Throughout the month of March, we celebrate women, and what better way to nod to the “fairer sex” than with some powerful quotes, like the one above, from Emma Watson.
She has – over the years – become the quintessential walking, talking message of feminism: We are equal. All of us. And we should be treated as such.
Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. Both men and women should feel free to be strong.”
Thanks to Emma, quotes such as the above as well as new phrases such as “self-partnered” have graced our media screens, making us all feel uplifted and important. Though the idea of girl power is by no means new, women standing up for women was still important long before it became on-trend in the Spice Girl-filled ’90s.
Unfortunately, sometimes women – especially young girls – don’t feel very empowered by their sex. Messages throughout media and magazines along with sly comments from people in high positions can cause ripples of uncertainty and navigating the line between being sexual and serious (did you know you can be both?) a constant minefield.
Feminism has – in the past – left a funny taste in people’s mouths. There are those nervous about the word “feminism” conjuring up negative views on men’s rights, fearmongering, and bad empowerment – which are valid worries but extreme ones that stem from a misinformed and possibly ignorant view of feminism. Breaking it down, feminism is about equality. Equal responsibility, equal opportunity for all. Women, men, non-binary individuals, or whoever you are. Emma Watson espouses this message constantly and encourages everyone to not be afraid of judgment by declaring yourself a feminist:
If you stand for equality, then you’re a feminist. Sorry to tell you.”
Let us celebrate the last week of Women’s History Month by watching a whole lot of the bada$$ quotes Emma Watson has said over the years and feel uplifted together.
Here’s to the wonderful women making a difference and raising awareness for equality throughout the world.