“Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery” – Memory Books and a Q&A with the Team
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery continues to add more updates in celebration of the game anniversary. With a new side quest, new pet looks, Quidditch challenges, enchanted kisses, and so much more, we’re most excited to share the news of the Memory Book now live! This article does contain a few spoilers, so keep that in mind.
We all know that it’s been quite a while since we first arrived at Hogwarts with the launching of Hogwarts Mystery, and it’s easy to forget some of the fun and amazing things we did – especially after the year that 2020 was. The Memory Book gives us a chance to relive those core memories. You can select each year at Hogwarts and choose which memory you want to watch. This also includes memory tabs for special achievements, Quidditch, and other important memories. Some of them are free to watch, while others cost a few coins, and the one Quidditch memory available so far costs 5 gems.

Memory Book in “Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery”
Once you’ve gone through your memories and remembered some old friends, dive into the new side quest. There’s an imp on the loose, and it’s wreaking havoc across Hogsmeade. Tonks is being blamed for this mischief, and it’s up to you to clear her name and tame the imp. It’s a good thing Hagrid is on your side to help with the taming of this devilish creature.

Adopt an imp in “Hogwarts Mystery” for the new side quest.
A new chapter for Season 3 of Quidditch has also made its way into the update. In the previous chapter after some unexpected injuries to one of your teammates, it’s learned that a blow to your pride can cause just as much pain as physical injuries. You have to help this teammate find their “spark” for Quidditch again so they can be back to their best self.

Quidditch screen for “Hogwarts Mystery” chapter
With a new mystery ongoing at the Ministry of Magic, your character is back to being an Auror-in-training. Working closely with Tonks and Mad-Eye Moody, you’ll find out that there is an imposter in the Ministry right under your nose. Could this person be the one responsible for the stormy windows that nobody can figure out? You’ll see some friendly faces from the Harry Potter series and work to solve the mystery before someone gets hurt or falls asleep at their desk from the constant lulling of the rain.
With the mystery of stormy windows at the Ministry, this brings a new pet look you can purchase for your owl. A stormy gray cloud complete with falling rain and bolts of lightning makes this look intimidating.

New owl pet look in “Hogwarts Mystery”
As we continue playing the game, we’ve noticed a few challenges that make gameplay frustrating. The main event challenges in Hogwarts Mystery, like the House Pride events, Clean Sweep, and Crest Challenges, continue to have the points associated with them raised higher. This poses the challenge of actually getting to finish these events within the time allotted in the game. Maybe this is on account of being higher-year students, but at this time, it’s unclear.
We can’t forget about the Q&A livestream with the developers on April 25 at 12 p.m. PT. This livestream event will take place on the Hogwarts Mystery Instagram page and feature Yash, Joe, and Grace from the Hogwarts Mystery team! You can submit your questions to the team now. This 40-minute event will share some behind-the-scenes stories, and all of our questions will hopefully be answered.
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There are a few days left on the latest Full Marks event, and it’s a chance to earn some gold notebooks. The enchanted kiss quest will debut this week – so log in every day and stay up to date.
Talk about a lot of updates in just a few weeks. We can feel the tension rising within the latest chapter, and the game is giving us a lot to focus on in between story line chapters. Which memory from the Memory Book has been your favorite to watch over and over again? Let us know!