Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin: A Remarkable Couple
Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin had a hard and tragic love story, but one that was filled with a few joyful moments. A few of those moments were glimpsed in the books but rarely reflected on-screen, so in honor of Spouses Day, we thought we’d look at one of the more underrated Harry Potter couples, who managed to demonstrate over and over again how important hope and love is in the face of a multitude of obstacles.
The two met when they were both members of the Order of the Phoenix. Although they both developed feelings for each other, their relationship was complicated by Lupin’s firm belief that he was “too old for you [Tonks], too poor. . . too dangerous” (HBP 624). It wasn’t until Dumbledore’s death that they confronted their feelings, opened up, and resolved their issues.
‘I am not being ridiculous,’ said Lupin steadily. ‘Tonks deserves somebody young and whole.’
‘But she wants you,’ said Mr. Weasley, with a small smile (HBP 624).
Tonks’s unwavering belief in Lupin, even when he was plagued with doubts and fear about his werewolf nature, was incredibly admirable. The fact that they managed to find love and happiness in the middle of a perilous situation was also something beautiful to glimpse. It was in this environment that their relationship grew from getting together to married in a matter of months.
‘Harry, guess what?’ said Tonks from her perch on top of the washing machine, and she wiggled her left hand at him; a ring glittered there (DH 46).
Their wedding was soon followed by the news that Tonk’s was pregnant, which once again brought up the feelings of doubt Lupin had.
‘Don’t you understand what I’ve done to my wife and my unborn child? I should never have married her, I’ve made her an outcast’ (DH 213).
Even in Lupin’s darkest moments, his concern was only for his wife and child, demonstrating the depth of love he had for them. His nature makes him think that he is less than human, undeserving of love and that those he loves will suffer for it. He and Tonks manage to overcome this feeling and come back together prior to the birth of their child, leading them to live a happy familial life for a brief period. Unfortunately, the Battle of Hogwarts interrupted their joy and brought them back to reality. Even in this perilous situation, they couldn’t stand to be apart.
‘I couldn’t stand not knowing —‘ Tonks looked anguished. ‘She’ll look after him — have you seen Remus?’ (DH 624)
Tonks’s fear for her husband’s safety led to her joining the front lines, a decision that ended tragically for them both.
Remus and Tonks, pale and still and peaceful-looking; apparently asleep beneath the dark, enchanted ceiling (DH 661).
It is ironic that the reason they came together, Voldemort, was also the reason they both lost their lives. Despite this, they were together long enough to experience moments of love and happiness and brought another life to the world.