Merch Madness: Backpacks, Coins, and Toys, Oh My!
The shopping never really ends after the craziness of the holiday season. But as long as there are Potter products on the market, you may as well be ready to spend big. With that in mind, let us show you some of the very special finds guaranteed to get you the good merch.
Golden Snitch Coin from New Zealand Mint
Fans of Quidditch will be keen to order this collectible. A new Golden Snitch 1-oz. coin has made its way to the virtual shelves of New Zealand Mint. Three varieties of this coin are now on sale. All three feature the little zippy golden ball, Harry’s name (engraved as H. Potter), and his 07 uniform number. The 1-oz. silver coin portrays the Snitch in its classic gold color with the rest of the coin in silver, and the other two are completely gold, in 1-oz. and 1/4-oz. sizes. The prices for these coins range from US$119 to US$2,900, depending on the coin size and metal of your choosing.
The engraved and frosted elements contrast beautifully against the mirror finish background. The Snitch is even gilded on the silver coin for extra authenticity!
Hogwarts House Animal Plushies
Plushies are a classic way to celebrate the things you love. They also make awesome gifts for the smaller fans. Universal Resort Orlando just released four new plushies, each representing a Hogwarts House. A badger, a snake, a lion, and an eagle (well, this one looks more like a raven) all wear their respective House colors and crests on little scarves. The plushies are $30 each and can be found at Island Trading Co. at Universal’s Islands of Adventure.
Sequin Tees and House Sweaters
If you need a matching outfit for your new plushie, then you may as well take the day and stick around Universal Orlando Resort. New, reversible sequin tees and House pride sweaters are very fashionable choices at the moment. Each side of the crest-shaped sequin patch on the T-shirts shows something special about each House. For the Gryffindor shirt, one side shows a red and gold “G” while the other portrays a lion.
The sweaters, on the other hand, look more like sweaters you would find in college bookstores. The House name is stitched down one arm, and the crest sits off to the opposite side. The sequin tees can be purchased for $37, the House sweaters are available for $65, and both can be found at the Universal Studios Store at CityWalk.
Journals with House Animals
Perhaps you’re more of a Tom Riddle enthusiast and journals are more your style of communication. House-inspired journals are the perfect way to write down all your thoughts. The four different colors represent the Houses, naturally, and each of the animals is shown right on the front in a modern design fit for the ages. A more translucent version of the animals is printed on all the pages of the interior. Each one is $20 and can be found at Dervish and Banges in Hogsmeade.
Hogwarts Mini Backpack
Mini backpacks are all the rage in fashion accessories these days. You could make like Hermione and find yourself a beaded bag with extra space, or you could try out this version of a mini Hogwarts bag. There is a 3D silhouette of Hogwarts Castle on the front of the bag with a night sky background and a little Hedwig flying over the castle. The bag can be purchased for $82 at the Universal Studios Store at CityWalk.
That’s all the merch we have for you today. Come back around next time, and we’ll have more merchandise opportunities for you to check out. Is there a product you already own and love? Show it off and let us see your Potter products.