Hogwarts Hunt Day 4
It’s the fourth day of the Hogwarts Hunt, and the word “kitchens” appears on the parchment. You’ve never been down there before, but you’ve heard about how to get in. You tickle the pear in the painting of a bowl of fruit, a handle appears, and you pull, revealing the Hogwarts kitchens.
Kibbit the Cook Elf: Hello! I’m Kibbit, the head cook here at Hogwarts. You must be looking for an ingredient for that Pride Potion! We’re very busy here, but I’ve got something for you, all right. I whip it up special for the headmaster. To bring it to him, I just say the name of it at the entrance to his office.
You need a particular treat
That tastes both sour and sweet.
It’s really a sucker
That might make you pucker
But Dumbledore likes them to eat.
Tell me what it is, and I’ll give you one.
What ingredient do you need? Enter it on the Hogwarts Hunt page for a chance to win a prize, and donate to one of our Pride fundraisers while you’re at it!