Exclusive Interview: A “Potter”-Inspired Adventure Hosted by Always Entertainment Co.
As Harry Potter fans, many of us desperately waited for our Hogwarts acceptance letters, though the owls never arrived. While some of us have fantasized about what could have been, others have set to work making their magical dreams a reality.
Always Entertainment Co., an organization dedicated to hosting immersive, book-themed experiences, has created a new, Harry Potter-inspired event. From October 11 to 15, followers of the series will be able to attend Hoggstowne School of Magic. From wizarding classes to feasts in the Great Hall, any Potterhead will be sure to have an amazing time. Since we are members of the aforesaid Potterhead community, we could not help but reach out to Always Entertainment Co. with some questions of our own, for we were giddy with excitement over the existence of such an experience. We had loads of fun diving into the details.
Right off the bat, we asked about the organization’s interest in the Harry Potter series; we had to make sure the organizers were truly invested in the story. Subsequently, we were pleasantly surprised, for as fans of the franchise, representatives from Always Entertainment Co. stated that their number one motivation for Hoggstowne was not only the massive following of the series but also their own personal connections to it. Furthermore, they discovered an almost tailor-made venue that looks directly out of the Wizarding World, an aspect that completely sold them on bringing their idea to fruition.
We are passionate Harry Potter fans, and […] we wanted to try a Harry Potter-themed event. There also seemed to be a great deal of interest outside of the company for such an event.
From there, we inquired about the organizational process, and while designing a Hogwarts-inspired school may seem like a dream come true to some of us, there really is a lot of work that goes into it. From securing a suitable venue and enlisting qualified teachers to drawing up lesson plans as well as organizing extracurricular activities, anyone would be left dizzy from the responsibilities. Though there was no one aspect of the event that was particularly troublesome to make happen, assembling a staff that could make attendees believe in magic was by far the most important detail to secure.
It’s no easy task organizing a wizarding school. Even though fictional, you are still faced with many of the hurdles and logistics a real school faces […] But the event begins and ends with people. You form a good team you can trust to see the job done, and done well.
We later discussed the event details, including the day-to-day schedule. On average, there will be six classes for Hoggstowne students to attend, with meals taking place between lessons. Following the academics, students will have an opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities, such as Wand Dueling, Toad Choir, and Mermaid Club, prior to a feast in the Great Hall.
Our goal is for each day the attendees rise with the excitement and wonder of what lies ahead. […] At the end of the event, we hope everyone will leave with a notion of what it’s like to attend a wizarding school in real life.
Aside from the academic element of the event, we discovered that a menacing, magical, and powerful object will be unleashed on the school from forces unknown. There will be clues to be found as well as riddles to be solved for those who can note the signs and are clever enough to piece them together.
There is always a mystery to be unraveled that depends on the observations and careful deductions of the attendees. […] The key is in working with your Housemates and digging in our virtual library.
While of course this event has been designed for Harry Potter fans, after talking with Always Entertainment representatives, we believe people of all interests would be able to enjoy themselves. The only prerequisite: Be prepared to have fun!
Once at Hoggstowne, you become part of one larger family.
So have you been totally convinced to attend this event? It is safe to say we have. If you are interested in becoming a Hoggstowne student, be sure to register; we can’t wait to see you there.