Harry Potter Characters as Ice Cream Flavors

When the season of summer arrives, along comes cold, sweet scoops of ice cream as a tasty treat. While enjoying a cone, I thought about how lovely and delicious they are, and my train of thought shifted to what ice creams the Harry Potter characters might be – whether vanilla or some other flavor.  Let’s appoint ice cream flavors to our beloved characters in the wizarding world.


Harry Potter: Mint Chocolate Chip


Harry Potter


The protagonist of the series, Harry, is as fresh and refreshing as mint. Made from spearmint and peppermint, the ice cream is sweet and slightly bitter, creating an impeccable taste. The tinge of the mint chocolate chip is as green as Harry’s eyes – and the ice cream’s color palette also resembles the colors of Harry’s favorite T-shirt.


Ron Weasley: Butterscotch


Ron Weasley


A rich, smooth, buttery cream loaded with caramelized crunch certainly screams a person who could be called somebody’s home. Being Harry’s best friend from their first day at Hogwarts, Ron has always looked out for Harry like a brother.


Hermione Granger: Coconut


Hermione Granger


Described as pure, gentle, and precious in taste, coconut ice cream has no better fit than Hermione Granger. Coconut may not be everybody’s taste, but those who love coconut do not negotiate. If you think about it, Hermione was a bit like that. 


Luna Lovegood: Bubblegum


Luna Lovegood


The scene of Luna wearing the pink and blue Spectrespecs and her pink blazer gives off immaculate bubblegum vibes. Similarly, bubblegum ice cream is colorful, creamy, and a bit different. This flavor reminds me of innocence and childlike wonder, qualities that beautifully align with Luna’s character.


Draco Malfoy: Walnut


Draco Malfoy


For Draco Malfoy, the ice cream flavor must be rich and strong, containing features that can be quite expensive. Combining all this, I think the walnut-flavored ice cream takes the scoop for Draco. Walnuts also add a tinge of bitterness, creating a unique flavor for any tasters with a more conventional palate.


Neville Longbottom: Malai Kulfi


Neville Longbottom


Made with milk, sugar, and nuts, malai kulfi ice creams on sticks are simple, supple, and soft. Like Neville, these ice creams have a sense of naivety, tenderness, and distinctiveness. Moreover, these kulfis are my favorite, and Neville is one of my favorites! Therefore, it’s a no-brainer why I associate him with it.


Hagrid: Mango




These mellow, yellow ice creams taste like a cool hug in the scorching summer. Hagrid’s hugs must also feel sweet and fresh like mangoes. Hagrid’s bubbly and chirpy personality sits right with mango – and like a chilled mango is an escape in the scorching sun, Hagrid was always a getaway shelter for Harry.


Fred and George Weasley: Orange Popsicles


Weasley Twins


Speaking of bubbly and chirpy, the Weasley twins are also very playful and comical. And orange popsicles are tangy and unique, just like the twins. Made with just orange and ice, these popsicles give off vibes of spontaneity and curiosity, which are highlights of Fred and George’s characters.


Minerva McGonagall: Coffee


Minerva McGonagall


The head of Gryffindor certainly needs caffeine to deal with students, Snape, and a quirky headmaster. Coffee ice cream, though very sweet, still holds a faint bitterness. Likewise, Minerva is lovely and kind but always has the essence of a professor first.


Albus Dumbledore: Sherbet Lemon




What could be a better choice for Dumbledore than the flavor of his favorite muggle sweet, sherbet lemon? This lovely, refreshing, citrusy ice cream represents Dumbledore quite well. He may have appeared somber, but he was often jolly and sparkling like a sherbet.


Severus Snape: Blackcurrant




Made from the pulp of blackcurrant berries, blackcurrant ice cream tastes vivid and rare. It has a layered texture with an aftertaste that lingers. Like Severus, this flavor may not be everybody’s favorite scoop due to its sour, tangy, and sweet combination.


Remus Lupin: Toasted Almond




Doesn’t a sprinkle of almonds on an ice cream make it more delicious? Remus Lupin likewise always enhances the story with his presence. Sweet as sugar, this ice cream is him.


Sirius Black: Dark Chocolate


Sirius Black


Dark chocolate’s intensity and richness line up with Sirius’s characteristics. Just like the bittersweet nature of dark chocolate, Sirius also has a bittersweet and touching storyline. Another reason for assigning chocolate to Sirius? Remus loves chocolate, and we already know his fondness for Sirius!


Lucius Malfoy: Pistachio


Lucius Malfoy


Lucius Malfoy should have a flavor assigned to him that reeks of luxury and extravagance. Pistachio has been ranked as an expensive and luxurious nut, symbolizing Malfoy’s high status. The green color of the ice cream also fits beautifully with the Slytherin House color.


Cedric Diggory: Honey and Vanilla


Cedric Diggory


If the sweetness of honey and vanilla doesn’t describe our Hufflepuff boy, what does? This ice cream is extremely soft, tasty, and right. The yellow color of the honey symbolizes Hufflepuff pride – and that it’s a product of bees’ hard work also adds another point to the Hufflepuff pride list. The vanilla here also represents Cedric’s purity and innocence.


What do you think of our choices? Would you want us to add more characters to the list? Let us know your favorite ice cream flavor in the comments!


My mind is like a box of candies from honeydukes, a colorful combination of different tastes. Writing about Harry Potter is a ticket to platform nine and three quarters for any Harry Potter fan. I wish to write about each alley and every wand of this universe.