How Would Hogwarts Travel for the Triwizard Tournament?

In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the plot moves forward with the aid of the Triwizard Tournament. The tournament is an inter-school contest in which the three largest magical schools – Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang – participate, each represented by a champion. Due to the tournament’s danger and increasing death tolls, it was discontinued in 1792. But during Harry’s fourth year at Hogwarts, his school hosts the revived Triwizard Tournament, and he is later chosen as Hogwarts champion along with Cedric Diggory.

In the Goblet of Fire movie, we witness the Durmstrang students and their headmaster arrive on a ship storming out of the lake at Hogwarts. Similarly, Beauxbatons pupils and their headmistress arrive in gigantic blue carriages pulled by winged horses. Given that the tournament took place many times in the past, this implies that other schools also hosted the competition. Hence, one must wonder: How would Hogwarts travel for the Triwizard Tournament if one of the other schools were hosting it? If Hogwarts were invited for the tournament, how would they reach Durmstrang or Beauxbatons?


beauxbaton carriage

Beauxbatons carriage arriving at Hogwarts


This is a game of guessing and suggestions because we do not know the answer – and where there is no right answer, you can create your own. Therefore, I think Hogwarts would travel in muddy green-colored carriages pulled by unicorns to Durmstrang or Beauxbatons for the Triwizard Tournament. Don’t worry; I will lay out my reasons for choosing this answer.


Travel by Earth

While Durmstrang and Beauxbatons have chosen travel methods that mirror the elements of water and air, respectively, it makes sense that Hogwarts must go for a mode that involves transportation by earth. Practically, if a body of water obstructs the path, unicorns are excellent swimmers – and the carriages could also be magically modified to float. Symbolically, it would even out perfectly that Durmstrang’s transportation involves the hydrosphere, Beauxbatons’s concerns the atmosphere, and Hogwarts’s transportation comprises the lithosphere. Combining all these three modes, we end up with the biosphere. Doesn’t it sound magical?


Why a unicorn?

Designated as the national animal of Scotland – the location of Hogwarts – the animal stands out as a potential contender. They would help travel because they are swift riders. Moreover, the tail hair of a unicorn is used in binding bandages – so if someone is hurt during the trip, their tail and mane hairs could be advantageous to have on hand. Furthermore, while competing in deadly competitions like the Triwizard Tournament, one certainly needs luck. Unicorns are considered symbols of fortune and luck; a group of unicorns is even called a “blessing.”


A Carriage for the Passage

Hogwarts loves carriages, either pulled by Thestrals or other magical creatures. The carriages could be enchanted with Extension Charms like those used for Hermione’s bag, which would benefit in accommodation – no need to impose on their hosts’ dormitories.


Why this peculiar color choice?

The colors of the four Houses of Hogwarts are red, yellow, blue, and green. Combining all these pigments, the resulting color is a greenish brown or muddy green. So the color of the carriage represents all the Houses together as one. The color palette of muddy green also strikingly resembles the shades of forest and nature, again evoking the element of earth. These colors also represent vitality, youth, and humility.


What do you think of our choices? What do you think Hogwarts would use to travel for the Triwizard Tournament? Let us know!


My mind is like a box of candies from honeydukes, a colorful combination of different tastes. Writing about Harry Potter is a ticket to platform nine and three quarters for any Harry Potter fan. I wish to write about each alley and every wand of this universe.