Notice from the Ministry of Magic: The Olympic Games

The Muggle community will soon be hosting a series of athletic competitions called the Olympics. As this is a historical event, many members of the magical community may already be aware. However, you are kindly requested to review the following items.


Olympic podium with the Eiffel tower in the background


These games are held on a quadrennial schedule, rotating each occurrence between Winter and Summer events. The first games were held in Olympia, Greece, which gave rise to the name “Olympic Games.”

The Summer Olympics will be held from Friday, July 26, through Sunday, August 11, 2024, in Paris, France. As these games are being held in France, the French Ministry of Magic will be taking the lead on Muggle and magical liaisons. The British Ministry of Magic will be standing by to assist in any capacity.

Note: Due to this being a highly publicized and attended event, the French Ministry of Magic is requesting that all members of the magical community take extra measures to ensure the International Statute of Secrecy is upheld.

In a joint effort between the French Ministry of Magic and the Muggle Liaison Office of the British Ministry of Magic, the magical community is not only encouraged but invited to attend the games. To secure complimentary tickets to the games, please send an owl to the Muggle Liaison Office of the British Ministry of Magic with the number of tickets you are requesting.

When attending the games, please see the following guidelines for best practices regarding Muggle apparel:

  • Trousers, skirts, and dresses
  • Jumpers, T-shirts, button-ups
  • Jackets, overcoats
  • Refrain from wearing cloaks, robes, or traditional-style pointy hats.
  • Avoid materials such as dragon hide and clothing items bearing magical enchantments.

Should you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to the Ministry of Magic – we would be more than happy to assist you.


Ministry of Magic Insignia.

Brooke Schmitz

The magic of the Wizarding World enchanted me at an early age. Since then I have read the books more times than I can count. I love to inspire and connect with others through the Wizarding World.