A Snape Hate Club In Hogwarts!?

Attention! Attention! Attention!


The one-and-only “Snape Hate Club” at Hogwarts is now open for new members!

Have you also been tortured by The Potions Dictator? Does The Snape Snake harass you in your dreams too? You are not alone, dozens of kids at Hogwarts suffer… just like you.


Together We Hate! Together We Heal!


The Snape Hate Club provides support and tools to combat your humiliation from Professor Snape. Established in 1982, the organization has helped numerous students who also once felt helpless.

During the biweekly meetings on Wednesday and Friday, you can vent and rant all about Professor Snape. The members plan interactive, entertaining, and insulting roasts of the Slytherin Snob. These meetings are filled with laughter, joy, and, most importantly, dung-coated insults at Sadistic Snape.

Senior members cater to your needs with proven informative methods and ways to fight abuses hurled by ‘ He Who Must Be Jailed’. Previous years’ roasts included savage performances such as Snape Lookalikes, Snape and Dumbledore Fight, The Plight of Snape’s Cloak, etc. You are welcome to channel your loath into a productive and funny ensemble.

Students from all houses are invited to unite for hate! However, a background check will be implemented on Slytherin friends, to look out for Snape’s spies due to past attempts and mishappenings. Snape cannot keep his long nose out of our union. We bet he is dying to join our group more than his desire for the DADA professor title.

These meetings are held in The Gryffindor Tower, a place that is 100 percent Snape-Free. You do not need to worry if you are from other houses, your fellow Gryffindor snape victims will help you with the password.

In our exclusive and most beloved Parody Fridays, you can create various song parodies and put a comical spin to your woe. Notable parodies by the society are ‘We will mock you’ by the legendary band Queens, ‘My fart will go on’, Snape has eaten a lot of dairy products and is now facing digestive issues,’ As it was” by Muggle iconic singer Harry Styles, Snape has washed his hair and now it is not greasy as it was.


Remarkable alumni of our society: Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Roger Davies, Susan Bones, Padma Patil, Harry Potter, Marcus Belby, Neville Longbottom, Ron Weasley, Lee Jordan, etc.


Tear Out the Page No. 394!

Join our society if you want mental peace from Snape and his bullying. The first meeting for this year commences on September 25 at The Gryffindor Tower from 5:00 pm. Following the traditions, the inaugural ceremony of new members kicks off with tearing Page No. 394 from all of the books!


My mind is like a box of candies from honeydukes, a colorful combination of different tastes. Writing about Harry Potter is a ticket to platform nine and three quarters for any Harry Potter fan. I wish to write about each alley and every wand of this universe.