Eleven Scenes from The “Deathly Hallows – Part 2” Movie That Weren’t in the Book

Harry Potter fans always complain about their favorite scenes missing from the movies. On sites all around the internet, you’ll see Potterheads discussing which parts should have been added to the films. On the other hand, we decided to turn the tables and remember all those film scenes that weren’t in the original material.

After exploring each movie, we have sadly come to the last part of this series. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 is far more dynamic than its prequel. If in the first part, the Golden Trio manage to destroy only one Horcrux, in this one, they need to get rid of the rest – as well as kill Voldemort himself. Let’s see which scenes were added to the last film of the Potter series.


1. Snape looks over the castle.

The movie starts with the image of Hogwarts surrounded by Dementors. We then see Snape as he watches the students march through the courtyard. This scene doesn’t add anything significant to the plot, but it’s nice to see Hogwarts once again before it gets completely destroyed. And we get to hear the amazing “Lily’s Theme” soundtrack that gives us goosebumps every single time.




2. Harry confronts Snape.

“How dare you stand where he stood?” – most Potterheads remember these lines by heart. In the book, Harry and Snape don’t really have the opportunity to have a confrontation after Severus’s supposed “betrayal.” But we think that this scene is important for their relationship. The acting is also truly on point, as we see Harry’s anger and Snape’s sorrow in his eyes.




3. The Order of Phoenix enters the Great Hall.

Let’s be honest – this entrance is super epic and emotional at the same time. We can probably say this is the “Avengers, assemble” moment of the Harry Potter series, and we love it.




4. The Order of Phoenix creates the protection shield around Hogwarts.

Seriously though, why didn’t they do it in the book? We see how effective shielding spells can be, even when created solely by Hermione during the trio’s camping days. The scene when all the teachers and Order of Phoenix members cast the spells toward the sky is truly emotional.




5. Neville destroys the bridge.

First of all, let’s all take a moment to appreciate Neville’s transformation and character development from a scared little kid to a true man who’s ready to stand his ground. The whole scene about burning the bridge, starting from McGonagall’s famous “boom” to Longbottom’s little pun –“You and whose army?” – is simply hilarious.




6. Voldemort feels when the Horcrux is destroyed.

In the book, we don’t get to know whether Voldemort feels anything whenever another part of his soul is being destroyed. In the movie, however, we see how each time Harry and his friends destroy yet another Horcrux, Voldemort feels a sharp pain.




7. Neville confesses his feelings for Luna.

Many fans shipped Neville with Luna, so this short scene, when Neville confesses that he’s crazy about her, is an absolute gem for all the shippers. Sadly, their relationship doesn’t get to turn into something romantic, as they both end up marrying other people.




8. Snape talks about Harry’s eyes.

Harry’s heard the famous “you have your mother’s eyes” more times than he got into trouble, and that’s a lot. But we’re sure he didn’t see it coming from his hateful teacher and a traitor. This is a little sneak peek of Snape’s true essence before we discover the whole story.




9. Neville gives a speech.

Imagine a 17-year-old boy who just found out that not only did he lose one of his close friends, but they also lost the war. This moment when Neville gives his motivational speech once again proves that he is a tried-and-true Gryffindor.




10. Voldemort hugs Malfoy.

Well, this scene is… super awkward, both for the viewers and Malfoy himself. Lots of fans think that this moment is unnecessary and pointless. It makes Voldemort look like a ridiculous and pathetic little man, not the most powerful evil wizard that he was.




11. Harry breaks the Elder Wand.

We’re sure that many Potterheads were furious at this scene, though some agree that it was a wise decision to get rid of the temptation because there would have been other wizards who’d want to get the Elder Wand and become very powerful. But Harry could’ve at least fixed his own wand before breaking it, couldn’t he?



These were all the extra scenes we managed to find in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2. We hope you enjoyed reading this series as much as we enjoyed writing it!

AnnMary Mailyan

"Harry Potter" has been an integral part of my life ever since childhood, I wouldn't be the same person without the Wizarding World. Apart from being a huge Potterhead, I'm a big bookworm and a writer, who loves exploring everything new, inspiring and motivating people and being creative.