Four In Ten Britons Say They Are Likely to Watch the “Harry Potter” TV Show

With an open casting call posted for the Harry Potter TV show back in September, it seems as though the planning of the show is getting underway, and a recent survey has shown that young Brits are still loving the Harry Potter franchise and would watch the upcoming TV show.

The survey was conducted by YouGov, and found that four in ten Britons (39%) would be likely to watch the show.

40% of 18-24 year olds said they were very or fairly likely to watch it, compared to 45% of 25-49 year olds. Of those who called themselves Harry Potter fans (this has been defined as those who say they like either the Harry Potter books or the Harry Potter films), 61% stated they were very or fairly likely to watch the show. 


TV show trailer title card

HBO’s title card from the Harry Potter TV show announcement.


The survey’s participants were also asked whether they liked the Potter films and books, with 47% stating they like the books, compared to 58% liking the films. 

Another question asked specifically to those who deemed themselves Potter fans, was if the Sorting Hat couldn’t decide which house to put them in, which would they choose? The results show that 54% would head to Harry’s House of Gryffindor, 20% chose Hufflepuff, 18% would like to be Ravenclaws, and 9% would head to the Slytherin dungeons. 

Interestingly, when all participants (not just the Harry Potter fans) were asked which of the four sets of personality traits applied most to their own personality, with each set reflecting the traits of each house, the results differed. 58% chose hard work, patience, justice, and loyalty (Hufflepuff traits), 33% went for intelligence, creativity, learning, and wit (Ravenclaw), only 4% chose Gryffindor’s traits of courage, bravery, nerve, and chivalry, and likewise 4% went for Slytherin’s ambition, cunning, leadership, and resourcefulness. 

What answers would you have chosen if you’d been selected to take part in the survey? 

HBO’s CEO, David Zaslav, stated that the release date for the TV show might not be until late 2026 or 2027, stating that the writers are only “just getting started.” 

So, with a while to wait until it is on our screens, a lot could change within the Potter fandom in that time. It’s going to be a case of let’s wait and see. 

Grace Hurley

I'm an animal-loving Ravenclaw with a Masters Degree in Writing and a passion for the Harry Potter universe since the age of five.