“Pocket Potters” Launch Announced by Bloomsbury

As we anxiously await more news about the upcoming HBO series, it’s a comfort that there will be no shortage of Harry Potter content to pass the time. A trio of companion texts is currently in the works.

Per an announcement by Bloomsbury Children’s Books, Pocket Potters: Little Guides to the Harry Potter Stories by J.K. Rowling is set to launch in 2025, with even more to come. And don’t let the title mislead you. The books may be small, but they are packed to the spines with illustrations, characters, and classic Hogwarts moments that fans of all ages can enjoy. The first three guides headed to print – Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger – have been brought to life by the tireless efforts of several talented illustrators.


A shot of the covers of the first the "Potter Pocket" books dedicated to Harry, Ron, and Hermione.


The Harry Potter guide, for example, is illustrated to perfection by Natalie Smillie. Readers can expect to journey with Harry once again as he discovers the wizarding world for the first time.


A sample page of the "Harry Potter" guide from the "Pocket Potters" series, showing the sorting scene from the first book.

Illustrations, chunked text, and helpful labels bring new life to some of the most iconic “Potter” stories.


Ron Weasley receives similarly bewitching artistic treatment, this time by Olia Muza, whose work can also be seen in The Harry Potter Wizarding Almanac. The guide encapsulates Ron’s world with joy and humor, complete with magical cars and lots of feasting.


A page from the "Ron Weasley" guide of the "Pocket Potter" series features Ron's Sorting experience.

Ron’s guide shows us Harry’s world from his best friend’s perspective.


Gryffindor’s brightest is paid appropriate homage through the work of Laura Proietti. Readers can brush up on some of Hermione Granger’s more impressive pursuits, from brewing Polyjuice Potion to founding S.P.E.W.


A sample of the "Hermione Granger" guide of the "Pocket Potters" series covers the troll in the bathroom incident from the first book.

As shown in the guide, sometimes all a budding friendship needs is an opportunity to knock out a mountain troll through a joint effort.


The Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger books of the Pocket Potters series are set to hit shelves on August 26, 2025, in 25 languages. The series will be published by Scholastic in the United States. A further four books will be published in 2026, which will include a guide devoted to Albus Dumbledore illustrated by Paola Escobar.