Second Generation Interactive Wands Launch at Universal Parks
Since finding out how beautiful the new wands at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Ministry of Magic will be, we’ve been waiting to hear if the rumors of improved interactive technology will come true. On the first of this month, our questions were answered: Second-generation wands cropped up in Universal Parks across America.
These new wands come with a range of developments from their predecessors. From new haptic vibration technology to featured illumination effects, each spell now feels completely individual when cast. The four new wand designs are all housed in specially designed packaging, complete with the wand burst icon that marks them as interactive. Second-generation interactive wands are available in Ollivander’s in Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade, Cosme Acajor Baguettes Magique in Place Cachée, and various other carts and stores around the park.
Guests will also be able to connect these wands to the Universal Play section of the Universal Orlando Resort app for a customized experience, with a personalised Wizard Profile that will link the wand to the app. Visitors can customize their profile with their Hogwarts House, their Patronus, and an Avatar. Each spell will earn House points, with a House Cup being awarded each day to the House that earns the most. New quests will be unlocked as you gain more experience casting and improve your Wizarding Level.
With the addition of Epic Universe to the Universal Orlando Resort app, we also have way more details about the next Wizarding World park. First of all, we can now see where guests will be able to use the new wands to cast spells around the park. There are 14 spots in total, with a map showing their exact locations available both on the app and at the park on paper.
Additional spell locations around the Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade areas of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter have also been created, taking the total number up to 30 across the two areas. These locations include a Dementor encounter in Knockturn Alley, a pixie infestation in the Owl Post Office, a duelling tent in which a dummy can be brought to life, and a storm to control and calm. All pre-existing magic areas will also be improved to match the new technology of the second-generation wands. First-generation wands can still be used, but don’t have access to all of the features.
From the Universal Orlando Resort app, we now also know which attractions will have Single Rider Lines in Epic Universe. Harry Potter and the Battle at the Ministry – a ride which will take guests through an exhilarating journey during the trial of Dolores Umbridge – is one of these attractions. This means that riders can choose to join this queue if they are willing to sit alone in any seat of the ride rather than with a group.
Will you be checking out the new wands?