Mischief Managed! Meet the Parents Who Are Choosing a Magical Way of Sharing Their Love of “Harry Potter” with Their Babies!
Since Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was first published in 1997, it isn’t surprising that many of the children who grew up with the series now have children of their own. Many of these parents feel it is their privilege to educate their little ones in the wonders of Potter. Several parents choose to do so through lovingly reading the books to their children, some choosing to decorate their babies’ nursery with a Potter theme. Some parents simply opt to surround their children with Harry Potter clothes, toys, and even conferences. Recently, a more unusual way of sharing the world of Harry has been brought to my attention… Harry Potter-themed babywearing!
I have been carrying my son in a baby wrap for over a year now, yet I have just discovered a place where I can combine my two passions. Hidden away in a closed Facebook group, I have found over 2,500 other people who understand, celebrate, and enable my desire to see Potter and babywearing come together. The group, aptly named S.P.E.W (Society of Potter-Enthusiastic Wrappers), was founded by Kimberley, who originally aimed to reach just 50 other Harry Potter babywearers. S.P.E.W is a place where parents can come together, share their Harry Potter-inspired wraps, and generally discuss all things Potter (sorry, no promoting elvish welfare here). When asked why she decided to create the group, Kimberley said,
I’ve been a fan of Harry Potter for the last 19 years. Ever since I knew I was going to babywear with my second son, I dreamt of Harry Potter[-]inspired wraps and carriers and always chose slings that reminded me of Harry and his world. When my son was 18 months old he went on a wrap strike! Shortly after that a Harry Potter wrap, named Invisibility Cloak, was released. I think I actually cried thinking I’d missed out, but as soon as he started letting me wear him again I bought one! That’s when I started thinking that if I started a group, maybe we could get other Harry Potter wraps made. I’m still completely overwhelmed by how many people have joined the group and what a lovely community it is!
Harry Potter has been a huge part of my life, since I was 8, and babywearing is so important to me because it helps me get my daily tasks done. This picture is of my babies at the end of a very long day in wraps named Indivisibility Cloak and Wrap of Requirement. They both needed me, and this was the best way to accomplish that and get what I needed done at the county office.
So many of us grew up with Harry Potter and still love it, and combining Harry Potter and babywearing just feels like a great and natural way to share an important part of our childhoods with the beginning of our own children’s lives.
Godric has burgundy and gold threads running through it, the brighter side has rust[-]coloured threads, which represent Lily’s love running through Harry’s blood. The darker side has black threads, which represent the [H]orcrux Voldemort left inside of Harry.
Wearing your baby is a great way to share Harry with them, but it is important to do so safely. If you’re interested in carrying your baby in a wrap, sling, or carrier, have a look at these guidelines!