Becoming Hermione Granger: Taking the fall #MNBHP
Please, Professor McGonagall—they were looking for me…. I went looking for the troll because I — I thought I could deal with it on my own — you know, because I’ve read all about them.”
Ron dropped his wand. Hermione Granger, telling a downright lie to a teacher?
“If they hadn’t found me, I’d be dead now. Harry stuck his wand up its nose and Ron knocked it out with its own club. They didn’t have time to come and fetch anyone. It was about to finish me off when they arrived.”
…Hermione hung her head. Harry was speechless. Hermione was the last person to do anything against the rules, and here she was, pretending she had, to get them out of trouble.
Hermione prided herself on achieving perfect grades and on following the rules. As we see in the scene with the troll, she gave up what meant a great deal to her in order to extend grace to Ron and Harry.
As we learn throughout the books, the greatest act of love is giving up yourself for the sake of others. In some instances, this has meant dying for another. But more often we see Harry, Hermione, and Ron giving up themselves—their wants and desires—for the sake of their friends.
Hermione had no friends. Ron and Harry certainly weren’t her friends up until this moment, yet she takes their punishment upon herself—a punishment she does not deserve. In doing this, she extends to them the greatest love. And in return, she is blessed with two life-long friends—one of which will eventually become her husband.
But what would have happened if Hermione decided to do what was in her own best interest? What if she covered for herself and let the boys take the fall? I do not believe she would have Ron or Harry as friends.
It may not make sense, but it is true that the more we do for the sake of others the more we get in return. The more we give up of ourselves—our interests, our desires, our wants—the more we will have. C. S. Lewis said, “Nothing you have not given away will ever really be yours.”
Challenge: Do something for someone else today. Something that is a sacrifice for you. Give up your hour of reading to clean the house for your mom. Give up an afternoon of video games to help your dad mow the lawn. Give up sitting with your usual crowd in the cafeteria for a day to sit with the kid who always eats alone.
If you complete this challenge, you won’t be a Muggle anymore because you will have performed the most powerful form of magic—love. Once you’ve completed this challenge, share with us how you cast your first spell using #MNBHP.
Next Week: “Becoming Harry Potter: Facing the Mirror of Erised”