Why We’re Thankful for “Harry Potter”
Families across America are gathering around the table today to celebrate Thanksgiving, a time to reflect on all of the things that has contributed to the lives they live today. At MuggleNet, we consider ourselves lucky to have a warm, loving family across the globe that gathers to celebrate the boy wizard who brought us together. More importantly, we are grateful to have all of our readers who visit our site and interact with us to keep the spirit of Harry alive.
I asked my fellow staff members why they are thankful for Potter and have decided to share the responses below.
Alison, News Team: “Hermione Granger got me through crippling shyness as a child. Her strength, determination, and belief in doing what is right carries me through to this day. Those books showed me how I could save the world, even if that just meant me.”
Amy, Creative Team: “Harry Potter gave me some of the best friendships. And also showed me that I don’t have to be popular to have real friends and be happy.”
Ariel, Social Media Team: “Luna taught me that it’s okay to dance to the beat of my own drum. Hermione taught me that having my nose in a book can actually lead to great things. Neville taught me that bravery doesn’t mean you’re not afraid. Ron taught me loyalty and one-liners. Ginny taught me to never let anyone underestimate me. And Harry taught me that after all the battles life can throw at you, all can still be well. But that’s just what a few characters showed me.”
Ashley, Social Media Team: “I’m thankful for HP because it gave me something to be happy about when my world was dark.”
Beth, Content Team: “Harry Potter has brought me to so many of my friends. It’s always there for me, and it never judges me. It taught me it was ok [sic] to love something unabashedly. And not only did I grow up with Harry Potter, but it [also] grew with me. It became something new every time I came back to it, challenging me to consider my own world in new ways. I could go on forever, but I’ll leave it there.”
Elayna, Social Media Team: “Not only did Harry Potter spark my imagination and inspire within me a passion for stories (which has led to becoming a writer myself), but it has brought me to so many people who’ve changed my life for the better, and given me so many happy memories that it is sometimes hard to count them all. Harry Potter taught me to stand up to bad guys, […] how to stand up for myself, and that there is always something worth fighting for. For that, I’m forever thankful.”
Jenny, News Team (Intern): “Because Harry Potter taught us ‘Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.’ This quote means so much to me.”
Kat, Creative & Marketing Director: “Harry Potter has basically shaped my career and adult life. I wouldn’t have the friends, the job, the passions – the life – I have without the boy wizard. I’m thankful for that every day.”
Kayla, News Team (Intern): “Luna taught me that it was okay to be me, that I’d still find friends who would stick by me and love me AND my eccentricities, and that there was no reason to try to pretend to be someone I wasn’t. I am also thankful to Rowling and the HP books in general for showing my little brother that reading could be awesome. Before the books came out, he struggled with reading and finding anything that interested him TO read. Once they came out, he couldn’t put them down and was constantly asking me to help him work words out. He taught himself to read with the books and still loves them today.”
Mary, News Team: “I’ve been able to connect with people from all over the world, share experiences, and develop my abilities as a writer, all because I discovered a movie (and then the book series) about a boy wizard when I was four years old.”
Megan, Social Media Team: “I credit HP largely for my passion for reading and writing (two things that have indisputably shaped who I am and the way in which I view the world).”
Melissa, Creative Team (Intern): “I’m thankful for HP because, without it, I wouldn’t have my beautiful nerdy family.”
Stephanie, Creative Team (Intern): “It was able to take me somewhere when I didn’t want to be me.”
As for myself? I’m grateful I have these people in my life who fill my days with laughs and heated canon debates. I would not be who I am today if it weren’t for Harry, and because of that he will remain in my life forever.
From all of us here at MuggleNet, have a happy, healthy, and safe Thanksgiving.