WOULD YOU RATHER… Be Stranded in the Department of Mysteries or the Room of Requirement? #MNWYR
Last week Tori kicked this series off with WYR Be Stranded at Gringotts or Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes. Here are some of your responses:
@MuggleNet #MNWYR be stranded at Weasleys Wizard Wheezes:) I ♥ Fred and George!
— Linda 🦋 | SAW TAYLOR 🩷 (@MissHagenbeck) September 8, 2014
This week we’re comparing the Department of Mysteries and the Room of Requirement. Before you choose, consider the following:
DEPARTMENT OF MYSTERIES: Few wizards know what is located within this department. Love, space, thought, and time are a few of the mysteries studied here. Read more on Harry Potter Wiki.
1. Access to some of the greatest mysteries in the world.
2. Endless numbers of “toys” to play with, i.e. Time Turners.
3. There must be a room that studies laughter—that could be fun.
4. If there is a prophecy with your name on it, you’ll be able to hear it.
1. It is extremely hard, once in the department, to find your way out.
2. The “toys” can be very dangerous, i.e. the brains.
3. If you get stuck in a room of laughter, you could very literally laugh your self to death and find yourself in the Death Chamber.
4. There are a gazillion prophecies, so good luck finding yours.
ROOM OF REQUIREMENT: A secret room in Hogwarts. Becomes whatever a person needs. Read more on Harry Potter Wiki.
1. The room becomes whatever you need—bathroom, bedroom, training room, library, etc.
2. When you’re inside no one else can come in unless they come in for the same reason you are there.
3. Access to the Hog’s Head for food.
4. Great hiding place.
1. The room cannot violate Gamp’s Law. One of which includes making food from nothing.
2. If you leave the room and someone else gets inside, you won’t be able to get into your same room unless they are there or until they leave.
3. Dealing with Aberforth for food.
4. If someone else asks for a room to be stranded in, you’ll get walked in on—and that someone could be Malfoy.
There you have it, so WOULD YOU RATHER… be stranded in the Department of Mysteries or the Room of Requirement? Respond in the discussion section or via Twitter with #MNWYR and your response could be featured in our next post!