Eight-Year-Old Shelter Dog Named After Harry Potter Finds His “Furever” Home
There’s nothing better than happy endings, and this playful pooch has finally found his.
Potter, nicknamed Harry Potter, has spent the past few years in kennels in Glasgow. The eight-year-old magical mutt has been a long-term resident of the Glasgow kennel Dogs Trust since early 2017. He was placed there when his owner could no longer take care of him and give him the life he needed. Potter bewitched the hearts of many of the staff members at the shelter where he was staying, especially the heart of his “special friend,” Dogs Trust volunteer coordinator Megan Reilly, who helped train him.
Potter arrived at the Rehoming Centre not long after I joined the charity in my role, so he has been a huge part of my time at Dogs Trust. It is definitely emotional to see him go, and although I’m sad to be saying goodbye, I’m so happy my Harry Potter has found a magical new family to call his own. I remember taking him out for a walk on New Year’s Day and wishing that 2019 would be the year he gets his forever home.
On a recent trip to Dogs Trust Glasgow, Colin Dupre and his family picked Potter out of the crowd and fell head over heels in love with him. Dupre loved the energy that Potter displayed and knew that he would make a wonderful addition to his family. The family stated that it was “love at first sight” when they spotted him at the shelter.
We had promised our daughter we would get a dog for the family. On our first visit, we had found another dog we wanted to adopt; however, at that point our garden wasn’t as secure. I think anyone looking to adopt a rescue dog should keep an open mind about the type of dog they want and be patient; because for us, it turned out the right dog was just around the corner.
You can watch the moment Potter found his “furever” home in the video below.
Potter is one of the lucky ones since many dogs who find their way into shelters have a hard time finding a forever home. Some dogs have specific needs that need to be met in their new homes, but many of them would make wonderful pets for any loving dog owner. For more information on all the dogs at the Glasgow Rehoming Centre, you can visit the kennel’s website, or if you’re in the United Kingdom, you can visit in person.
Who knows – maybe there’s an Animagus or Maledictus in a shelter needing a place in a loving Muggle’s home?