CC #456: Week of September 19, 2021

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Albus: “I’ve heard tales of a land where the hair bleach is endless!

Albus: “I think I’m the cursed child.”
Scorpius: “Bloody hell, no! It’s me!”
Delphi: (pops out of the trunks) “Merlin’s butt, guys! It’s me.”

Scorpius: “Why do they prefer A Very Potter Musical to us again?”
Albus: “Four words. ‘I take my foot.'”
—The Doctor’s Daughter

Albus: “Can you believe we are starting our fourth year at Hogwarts?”
Scorpius: “Yes, seeing how we’re 26 playing 14-year-olds.”

Albus: “It’s not really the ceiling. It’s bewitched to look like the night sky. I read about it in Hogwarts: A History.

Albus: “So first, we jump off the moving train, we run away from our parents, we go back to this deadly tournament my dad was in 30 years ago…”
Scorpius: (forcing a grin) “…sounds great.”

Albus: “Pull my finger.”
Scorpius: “I’m not falling for that one again.”

Albus Severus: “And if you look closely, you can see a rare Albany redwing…”
Scorpius: (faking a smile of interest)
—Amigos of Aragog

Albus: “I may not be a Hufflepuff, but when Cedric became a Death Eater, I found it very surprising.”
—The Doctor’s Daughter

Albus and Scorpius go camping and go to sleep in their tent. Albus suddenly wakes up, in turn waking Scorpius.
Albus: “What do you see when you look up, Scorpius?”
Scorpius: “I see millions of stars.”
Albus: “And what does that tell you?”
Scorpius: “That there are millions of planets and galaxies out there worth exploring!”
Albus: (sighs) “No, you fool! It means somebody has stolen our tent!”





Eric S.

Eric Scull joined MuggleNet in November of 2002. Since that time, he’s presided over a number of sections, including name origins and Dear Hogwarts, but none so long as the recently revived Crazy Caption Contest. Eric is a Hufflepuff who lives in Chicago and loves the outdoors.