Fan Focus: Andrea – March 30, 2022
Welcome back, friends! Every two weeks, MuggleNet introduces and highlights a Wizarding World fan in our Fan Focus feature. In this latest edition, we meet Andrea, a Slytherin from Italy who enjoys her butterbeer in a very Harry Potter style.
How did you become a Wizarding World fan?
My grandma read the first book to me when I was six [years old]. I’ve been a fan ever since.
If you could have one prop from the set of Harry Potter or Fantastic Beasts, what would it be?
Just one! [That is a] difficult question … I really like costumes, so does a costume count? If so, I would love one of the Slytherin tie pins and rings!
What is your favorite Harry Potter or Fantastic Beasts memory?
My favorite memories are waiting for the [Harry Potter] book and film releases amongst other fans. It was always a great event. I attended some in Italy and the UK. The atmosphere was always so magical, and getting to meet fellow fans always felt like returning home.
Have you been to the Wizarding World? If yes, what is your favorite memory? If not, what would you want to do first if you could go there?
Yes! I’ve been to the studio tour in the UK [and the] Wizarding World at Universal Studios Osaka and Beijing. It was absolutely incredible every time. Some of my favorite things to do there are being able to use my wand, eating at the Three Broomsticks, and having butterbeer while watching the sunset behind the castle. I also enjoy a rainy day there. I think it makes the whole atmosphere so spooky and cool.
If you could spend a day with a character from Harry Potter or Fantastic Beasts, who would it be and why?
My teenage self would 100% say Draco Malfoy 😅. But I would like to spend a day with Newt Scamander. I think it would be a lot of fun!
What is your favorite quote from the Wizarding World?
About the Muggles, “Bless them, they’ll go any lengths to ignore magic, even if it’s staring them in the face.” – Arthur Weasley
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