Top Tips for Celebrating Spring
Here in the Northern Hemisphere, spring has finally sprung, and with that, it means that the weather is due to get nicer. With these longer and warmer days, you may be looking for something new to do. If you are unsure of what to do, we here at The Quibbler have interviewed some staff and students at Hogwarts to ask them about their top tips for celebrating spring.
Oliver Wood
Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team himself, Oliver, was more than eager to give us some tips about how best to celebrate spring, and by tips, we mean he told us more than we ever thought existed about Quidditch. Oliver also said that playing Quidditch is the best way to celebrate the better weather. With long sunny days, it makes practice much more enjoyable. And that with better weather and more chances to practice, he says that Gryffindor has a chance to win the House Cup this year. So take it from Oliver Wood; if you want a fun way to spend those Spring evenings enjoying the great outdoors, practicing Quidditch is the way to go.
Rubeus Hagrid
Hagrid told us that the best way to celebrate the nicer weather is to help out all the fantastic beasts. He told us that spring is when some of them start to come out of hibernation, and new ones are born, so there is plenty of work to do. The best way to make the most out of spring is to celebrate the birth of new creatures. There is no limit to work that can be done, and you will certainly have a lot of fun caring for these creatures even after the seasons have changed.
Editor’s note: Hagrid has also asked us to say that he is looking for some students to help him with this task, so if anyone is interested, please speak to him.
Colin Creevey
We bumped into Colin Creevey, taking photos of some of the new and exciting plant life around Hogwarts, and when asked, he told us one of the best ways he could think of to celebrate spring was to get out and take photos. With the abundance of plant life and events taking place, there is always something happening that you can take photos of. His top tip is simply to enjoy yourself and to make the most of the time that you have with your friends. And to take as many photos as possible as you can to look back on them in years to come and remember all the fun times that you had.
Luna Lovegood
Luna is someone that we love here at The Quibbler, and she’s always more than happy to help us with any articles that we need to write. We loved her article about her top dating tips, and so did our readers as we know that it is responsible for at least one wedding. So when asked, she was more than happy to help. And her top tip for celebrating spring was very similar to that of Colin’s – to enjoy your time with friends and family. That no matter what it is that you do, simply make the most of the time that you have. Go on walks with them, watch the stars with them, or even read The Quibbler with them. But whatever you do, do something that makes you happy.
Minerva McGonagall
A much-loved teacher at Hogwarts, McGonagall was someone who was reluctant to talk to us at first, but she eventually agreed. And her top tip for celebrating spring is not to neglect your studies. It might be tempting to spend your days relaxing, teasing the Giant Squid that lives in the lake, or taking day trips to Hogsmeade. But she mentions that students should not forget that after spring comes summer, and with summer comes exams (as long as Professor Dumbledore doesn’t cancel them again). So, she would like us to remind all Hogwarts students should continue to do their homework and study for their upcoming exams.
Severus Snape
To be honest, Snape was someone we hadn’t intended to interview. By the time we bumped into him in one of the Hogwarts corridors, we already had more than enough content. But Severus Snape is a terrifying person, and we weren’t going to lie to him about what we were doing. So when he found out about what we were doing, he gave us one of his infamous Snape stares and gave us some advice we were too scared not to publish. That his top tip for spring is that students should not be hanging about Hogwarts corridors on nice sunny days as people may think that they are up to something.
So there you have it. These are just some of the top tips for celebrating spring from the staff and students at Hogwarts. Send us an owl to let us know what you think of them and if you have any top tips for celebrating yourself. Who knows? Maybe you could feature in an article in the future.