Oliver Wood’s Fun List of Positive Affirmations

Daily Positive Affirmations

By: Oliver Wood

  • I am lucky to play a sovereign sport such as Quidditch.
  • I am a worthy captain of the Gryffindor team.
  • I will lead Gryffindor to victory in the cup this year.
  • I will become the best Quidditch player this world has ever seen or heard of.
  • It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life for me, and I am feeling Wood!
  • I can pass other subjects so I can graduate from Hogwarts.
  • I will cancel anyone who even talks about canceling Quidditch.
  • I am gorgeous like the glitter on the Snitch.
  • I will not fall for Fred and George’s silly pranks anymore.
  • Go Sports!!
  • My game plan is the best, no matter what Angelina says.
  • I will catch all the Quaffles thrown my way because I am good enough and smart enough.
  • Any form of Quidditch slander is garbage.
  • I am radiant like a sunflower.
  • We have the Chosen One! Of course, we will win!
  • We will win and they will lose.
  • Repeat it: We will win and they will lose.
  • I believe I can fly; I believe I can touch the sky.
  • My Russian accent is fantastic.
  • This year, I will also get a Firebolt. In your face, Potter!
  • I am not a control freak. I have standards.
  • This year, we will get the practice grounds.
  • Make my parents rich so they can buy me all the Quidditch gear.
  • We are the champions, my friend.
  • I am kind to those who like Quidditch.
  • My mother raised a fool – beautiful, graceful, and wonderful.
  • Quidditch is my therapy.
  • It’s amazing how amazing I am.
  • My hate for aubergine is justified.
  • I am here for the long run because I am a Keeper.
  • May victory be ours and defeat be theirs!


My mind is like a box of candies from honeydukes, a colorful combination of different tastes. Writing about Harry Potter is a ticket to platform nine and three quarters for any Harry Potter fan. I wish to write about each alley and every wand of this universe.