Ranking Harry Potter’s September Firsts from Best to Worst

The first of September is always an important day for Harry Potter. It’s the day he gets to go back to Hogwarts! While this should be an exciting occasion, considering how he views Hogwarts as his home, his return to school is often full of unexpected twists. Let’s take a look at his most triumphant and terrible trips.


1. 1991 (First Year)



There’s nothing like the first time you step through the barrier at King’s Cross Station onto Platform 9 3/4, ride the Hogwarts Express, take a boat across the lake, see the castle, enter the Great Hall, and don the Sorting Hat. This is the day Harry not only truly enters the wizarding world but also meets his future best friends and gets Sorted into Gryffindor. It’s really all downhill from here.


2. 1994 (Fourth Year)



Any year Harry doesn’t get physically injured during his journey has to be considered a win. The start of his fourth year is a bit hectic with Mr. Weasley on crisis control at the Ministry, but at least Harry arrives at school without incident, albeit soaked. He finally gets to see a Sorting for the first time since his own. The announcement of the Triwizard Tournament – at least before Harry is selected as a champion – is rather exciting. All in all, it could be a lot worse.


3. 1992 (Second Year)



Harry’s second trip to Hogwarts doesn’t quite go according to plan. With the barrier to Platform 9 3/4 sealed, he and Ron take the Weasleys’ flying Ford Anglia, which is initially fun but soon tiresome – and eventually disastrous when they crash into the Whomping Willow. While they manage to make it out physically unscathed for the most part, Ron’s wand is broken, and they miss Ginny’s Sorting and the feast; then they get a signature Snape scolding, barely escape expulsion, and receive a large helping of detention. Still, most of their housemates are impressed at their exploits, and their punishment is far milder than expected.


4. 1997 (Seventh Year)



In 1997, Harry spends his first September 1 in six years not going back to Hogwarts. He’s in hiding at Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place, with Death Eaters gathered outside, and he finds out that Snape is now headmaster. As for the general state of affairs, things couldn’t be much worse, but as far as actual incidents go, Harry does face less direct danger, injury, and drama on this particular date than in years past – just a burning scar.


5. 1993 (Third Year)



At the start of his third year, Harry meets Professor Lupin on the train, but he also meets his first Dementor, which is a less enjoyable experience. He passes out and gets taunted by Malfoy. It’s a chilling start to the year, especially knowing that the Dementors will be guarding the school and Sirius Black has supposedly escaped Azkaban to kill Harry. At least Lupin’s chocolate helps!


6. 1995 (Fifth Year)



Harry is fairly miserable throughout September 1, 1995. Ron and Hermione have Prefect duties and can’t sit with him on the train, leaving him with Ginny, Luna, and Neville, whose Mimbulus Mimbletonia covers the compartment in Stinksap right as Cho Chang passes by. Harry sees Thestrals for the first time and thinks he may be losing his mind, many people – including Seamus Finnigan – believe the Daily Prophet‘s slander and think he’s lying about Voldemort’s return, Dumbledore is ignoring him, Hagrid is nowhere to be found, the Sorting Hat’s song is downright depressing, and Umbridge is introduced as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. The year is not off to a good start.


7. 1996 (Sixth Year)



An awkward Slug Club gathering, a broken nose courtesy of Draco Malfoy, 70 House points taken from Gryffindor, and Snape in his long-coveted role of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor – it’s hard to imagine a worse way to begin the school year. Arriving late to the feast not wearing his robes and covered in blood, Harry makes a less-than-stellar entrance. Plus, he’s feeling guilty about dropping Care of Magical Creatures and how Hagrid will react. The only upside for Harry is the thought that Snape won’t last more than a year now that he’s in the jinxed position.


Harry doesn’t always have a great first day back, but at least he has a whole new year at Hogwarts to look forward to.

Laurie Beckoff

My Harry Potter journey began in 2000 when I was six and continued through a bachelor's thesis and master's dissertation on medievalism in the series. I'm a Gryffindor from New York City with a passion for theatre, fantasy, Arthurian legend, and science fiction.