JKR asks booksellers to help in Madeleine search
All 65 of JK Rowling's publishers will be distributing posters with information on Madeleine McCann (the missing UK four-year-old girl) when they deliver the seventh Harry Potter book. Booksellers are being asked to display these in their shops to help aid the search for Madeleine as well as many other missing children.
“I fervently hope that posters displayed prominently in shops all over the world when the new book comes out will help find Madeleine McCann and will raise the profile of the many other missing children in different countries.”
It was previously reported that bookmarks, bearing Madeleine's face, would be placed in each copy of the books. This idea was dropped because Jo and her publishers “feel that they have a responsibility to protect younger readers and not to expose them to certain issues without their parents' compliance.”