Fan Art of the Week: “Harry Potter Shoes”
This week’s fan art submission comes from Sarah, who has shared with us her customized ‘Harry Potter Shoes.’ As you can clearly see in this enlarged version, the shoes cleverly represent the beginning and the end of the Harry Potter adventures.
Noah’s Notes: These are some fine looking shoes. Just as in Mary GrandPre’s US cover designs, Sarah’s shoes nearly match the original artist’s rendering of the main character as well as the corresponding color schemes. Likewise, the stylings of Harry’s clothes and the background scenery also match the original book covers, only deviating in places where the painting canvas curved. Nicely done Sarah!
Fan Art has been going strong as of late thanks to all of you who continue to submit your artwork. Remember, we don’t only feature paintings and drawings here – we take shoes too, or any other sort of ‘Potter’ creation you can construct. So be sure to check out all of our archives and the rules for submitting your own creations in our Fan Art Section, and perhaps your piece will be featured on our front page as well. See you again next Tuesday!