Fan Art of the Week: “Harry Potter”
Our next Fan Art submission of the week comes to us from Karen, who hails from Mexico.
Noah’s Notes: Today’s feature looks to have been drawn with granite pencils to produce the various shades throughout the piece. Check out that soft-looking jacket and the glinting rimmed glasses – that’s some quality sketchwork! Who are you looking at over your shoulder Harry? Only Karen could answer that question, but this staffer chooses to believe it is Lord Voldemort, himself.
Check out the full size image right here.
The MuggleNet Fan Art section is back up and running! We’d also like to announce that one of our new site-sections Alohomora! is featuring artwork that is relevant to all things Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Send an e-mail to with the word Alohomora! as the subject headline in order to have your fan art featured there.