Magical Acts of Kindness – HPA Project Launched!
Yesterday, July 1st, the Harry Potter Alliance officially launched a new project called Magical Acts of Kindness.
Publicized at Wrockstock 2008 and set in motion by the amazing Jess and Lauren, this project encourages participants to do small acts of kindness every day.
The introductory post on the site states, “The idea is that, just like Hermione trying to help out the house elves, we all need a little appreciation and encouragement sometimes, and it’s amazing how much difference the smallest of gestures can make. Even a simple smile or holding a door open for someone can completely turn their day around. We’re sure that if you think for a moment you’ll be able to find something that’s happened recently that made your day a whole lot better, yet didn’t take much effort on the part of the other person. Well, that’s what we want you to do.”
To find out more about this wonderful project and how you can do your part, please visit the Harry Potter Alliance website or the Magical Acts of Kindness page.