HP Alliance Potterwatch: One World, One Dream!
With an intro by Jim Dale and significant contributions from several activists and members of the fandom, this latest episode of the Harry Potter Alliance podcast is particularly informative and inspiring. It asks Harry Potter fans to help personify the theme of the 2008 Olympic Games by working on behalf of the people of Darfur, Tibet, and Burma despite the Chinese government's actions in those regions.
As stated on the Harry Potter Alliance site, “We hope you find it empowering, educational, and inspiring as we ask for Harry Potter fans across the world to embrace the Olympic (and the TriWizard) ideal of 'One World, One Dream.'”
Check out the podcast in the iTunes store or listen to it directly here.
In similar news, the Harry Potter Alliance House Party Coordinator Dinah will be hosting her own HPA House Party tomorrow in Chico, California at noon. If you're in the area, stop by what is sure to be an incredible event!