Fan Art of the Week: ‘The Final Battle’
Noah’s Notes: This was brilliant! At the beginning of the piece, Erika had the dancers use techniques of ballet to capture the softer opening of John Williams’ “Hedwig’s Theme”…then when Voldemort and the Death Eaters come in they start breaking into modern dance as the music radically changes from classical to dubstep. Erika’s piece has such an exceptional blend of flavors – you have to view this video again and again to really take them all in. Well done Erika!
Remember, fan art need not only be paintings and drawings, but any kind of art creation you want to submit. To learn how to submit your piece of Potter-themed fan art or view all of our archives, head on over to our MuggleNet Fan Art Section. Your piece of art could be selected and highlighted right here on our Home Page, just like Erika’s and the University of St. Thomas dance team was this week.
See you again next week!