SNL: Harry Potter 10 Years Later
If you missed last night’s episode of NBCUniversal’s “Saturday Night Live,” you missed quite the funny show, considering it was hosted by the boy wizard himself. Keeping with SNL tradition, Daniel Radcliffe got the chance to act in many of the skits alongside the usual Saturday night crew, playing such diverse roles as an unhinged Target employee, lead singer of the Delaware Fellas, and an American teen with rather poor luck at spin the bottle.
But the most exciting skit for Harry Potter fans last night was a little piece titled “Hogwarts 2020” in which a batch of new Gryffindor students get the surprise of their lives when they find The Boy Who Lived, ten years older, just kind of wandering around the common room.
In the skit, Dan portrays a different kind of Harry then we’re used to – a homeless Harry, who, having trouble with the rent, has settled in Gryffindor Tower, may have a drinking problem, and has an obsession with his own legacy. Luckily, a sensitive Hermione, an oddly vacuous Ron, the married couple of Luna and Hagrid and Snape’s old portrait come to visit Harry by the end of the skit.