MuggleNet SnitchCenter: New Quodpot game, QWC VI location nomination updates and more
MuggleNet SnitchCenter news has been updated with all of the latest news and happenings in the world of Muggle Quidditch along with our friends at the International Quidditch Association (IQA).
Quidditch World Cup VI: The next Quidditch World Cup (QWC VI) will be held in April 2013 but the location of the tournament has not been determined as cities are currently bidding for the rights to hold the tournament in their city.
Regional Championships: Beginning in October and continuing through March 2013, Regional Tournament results will become qualifying events for the World Cup. All of the information can be found in Alex Benepe’s State of the League Address.
Volunteer Job Openings with the IQA: Checkout the full listing of available volunteer positions over on the IQA Website.
Quodpot: Described by J.K. Rowling as “the American version of Quidditch” is now in beta testing as a real-life Muggle version. Chris Kostick and several other players of the IQA have developed a Muggle version of this game with rules and gameplay. Check out the PDF version of the rules right here, and next time you have a Quidditch match, give the game a shot for fun.
For all of the latest information and news from the world of Muggle Quidditch, check out the news section of MuggleNet’s SnitchCenter.