Join the Harry Potter Alliance today and strike against censorship
“Hogwarts is threatened! Man the boundaries, protect us, do your duty to your school!” yelled Professor McGonagall in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Andrew Slack of the HPA shared this with us: Today an untold number of people across the world are standing up for a human network that is changing the world for the better. Today, we are showing an old order that the time is over when American people would look the other way as laws like SOPA and PIPA get passed to supposedly “protect” artists. Today, the Internet strikes back to expose the Orwellian language for what it is.
The Harry Potter Alliance (HPA) is joining Wikipedia, Boing Boing, Reddit, Mozilla, Word Press, Google, and thousands more doing our duty to protect our rights! Check out their web site now…it’s the same as Wikipedia and thousands of others: The Harry Potter Alliance.
Join the largest online protest in history: tell Congress to stop this bill now!
You can stay tuned by following the HPA at @thehpalliance on twitter!