FREE Kindle books relating to ‘Harry Potter’ available starting tomorrow
Beginning on Wednesday, September 26 and ending on Saturday, September 29, four books related to the Harry Potter series will be available for FREE on Kindle to celebrate the release of J.K. Rowling’s The Casual Vacancy.
These Harry Potter related books dive deeper into various themes associated with the literature from Rowling and the various forms of the fandom in general. You can further your understanding of the Harry Potter series through the humor, foreshadowing, literary allusions, and many other aspects of the series or look into the amazing philanthropic triumphs of the Harry Potter Alliance, various camps and classroom study in higher education Universities and Colleges. Each of these books offer an interesting insight into the magical world of Harry Potter.
- Harry Potter Still Recruiting by Valerie Estelle Frankel
- The Order of Harry Potter by Colin Manlove
- Repotting Harry Potter by James W. Thomas, PhD
- Rowling Revisited by James W. Thomas, PhD
Simply click on the above titles to gain access to the FREE promotion on Kindle.