Author: Laurie Beckoff

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Hogwarts Hunt Day 7

It’s the last day of the Hogwarts Hunt, and the clue lies in the greenhouses. Solve the riddles to collect your final ingredient.

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Hogwarts Hunt Day 6

Fly down to the Quidditch pitch for your penultimate Hogwarts Hunt clue. Can you figure out today’s ingredient?

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Hogwarts Hunt Day 5

Day 5 of the Hogwarts Hunt is quite cryptic. Can you determine what it means you need in your Pride potion?

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Hogwarts Hunt Day 4

Day 4 of the Hogwarts Hunt sounds delicious. It’s down to the kitchens for your next ingredient. What could it be?

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Hogwarts Hunt Day 3

Day 3 of the Hogwarts Hunt sends you all the way up to the Astronomy Tower. Can you read the stars to find what ingredient you need?

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Hogwarts Hunt Day 2

Today’s Hogwarts Hunt clue sends you to the castle’s seventh floor. What ingredient is awaiting you there?

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Hogwarts Hunt Day 1

Your first clue has appeared to help you solve the Hogwarts Hunt. Figure out what ingredient you need for your Pride potion.