Category: Owl Post

Bellatrix Lestrange and Death Eaters appear in the room of requirement and they are very scary.

Two Shades of Dark

What is “Dark Magic?” What is a “Dark Wizard?” A careful reading of the first five “Harry Potter” books shows that J.K. Rowling uses the word “Dark” to mean two rather different things; I believe that the difference will play an important role in “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” and Book 7.

Year 6 at Hogwarts

by Russell Greeley What I’’d like to do here is look a little at what it is in the students that makes year 6 different. I appreciate the comments from those in the UK...

Not Such a Nice Guy After All

by Tabari Albus Dumbledore is the leader of the forces of light, the wise and beloved Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and a powerful wizard responsible for the defeat of the...

James and Lily’s Professions

by Amy James’ and Lily’s professions have been concealed for the first 5 books, yet we know that they will be a significant part in the series, as J.K. herself has mentioned. We know...

Harry Potter and the Rogue Feather

by Cryston Over the many pages of the novels, the character of Mr. Ollivander still remains the most mysterious. His ever-present haunting nature raises an eyebrow from me every time I read Book 1....