Category: Owl Post

Are We Overanalyzing?

by Rob P.  It seems to me that there are several aspects of the wonderful Harry Potter series that people have been overanalyzing. We love the stories so much that we see clues where no clues...

A Slytherin’’s Revenge?

by Jennifer I want to begin this article with a reference to a passage of the song of the Sorting Hat from The Order of the Phoenix. This will help explain my opinion. And never...

How are the Dementors Created?

by Anthony Dementors are some of the creepiest and scariest things in the Harry Potter series. We know that the tall, black-hooded figures can suck the soul out of a human’s mouth by “kissing” them, that...


by du Leon From the beginning of the series, one of the first things anyone that knew James says to Harry is how much they look alike. In the OotP chapter “Snape’’s Worst Memory,”...

The Fallen

by End the Cold Theories abound in the world of Harry Potter. We all know this, and we love it. Even if we don’’t like one another’’s theories, we create our own and abide...