Category: Movie Reviews

Television Review: “Run” Starring Katie Leung

“Run” is a four-part dramatic mini-series that aired in the UK this year and is now available for American audiences for free via Hulu. Focusing each episode on the life of one character, the four vignettes intertwine and connect, showing how one person’s decision can affect any random stranger. The timeline of the movie is a bit blurred, but it felt like it should be blurred, considering the different perspectives of the characters. Katie Leung (Cho Chang) is featured in the first two episodes of the mini-series.

Movie Review: “A Promise”

“A Promise” was by far the most beautiful film of the Toronto International Film festival that we had the pleasure of seeing. It revolved around a love triangle between a sickly factory owner (Alan Rickman), his young protege (Richard Madden), and his young wife (Rebecca Hall).

Movie Review: “Kill Your Darlings”

Our most anticipated film of Toronto International Film Festival was certainly “Kill Your Darlings”! Not just because it starred Harry Potter himself (Daniel Radcliffe), but because the story of first time director John Krokidas, who has been working on this film for almost 10 years, was very inspiring for us film students.

Movie Review: “The Great Gatsby” Blu-Ray/DVD Combo Pack

When I found out that they were finally adapting one of my favorite books of all time into a movie – I will admit, I was really excited. Then I found out that Leonardo, then Tobey, then Carey, was to be in the film, and my heart skipped a beat. 2 1/2 of my favorite actors ever (Tobey is the half). Then it got delayed. Several times, if I recall. But finally, finally, a trailer came out.