Exclusive Interview: A “Potter”-Inspired Adventure Hosted by Always Entertainment Co.
While many of us are still waiting on our Hogwarts acceptance letters, here comes a new, immersive experience hosted by Always Entertainment Co.
While many of us are still waiting on our Hogwarts acceptance letters, here comes a new, immersive experience hosted by Always Entertainment Co.
“Puffs” in Chicago is a highly inclusive production that benefits the LGBTQ+ community and feels like the most authentic version of the story yet.
Discover the tips and tricks to make your visit to Wizarding World park better than a cool glass of pumpkin juice after a long match of Quidditch.
In the years since the last “Harry Potter” film was released, cast and crew alike have revealed trivia. Here are 12 fascinating facts we learned.
We went to check out “Fantastic Beasts: The Wonder of Nature” at the Melbourne Museum, exploring the links between magical and Muggle creatures.
Flip to page 394 in “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” with us and dive deep into its lessons.
It’s time for Hogwarts to enter the 21st century and finally become a place accessible to all.
Tom Felton’s autobiography, “Beyond the Wand,” is filled with funny on-set “Harry Potter” moments.
If you thought this would be a fluffy fandom “popcorn read” with more flash than substance, think again.
Graphic artist
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Young Sirius Black (DH2)
Peter Pettigrew
Katie Bell (HBP-DH2)
Ginny Potter (CC – London and New York)
Reg Cattermole
MuggleNet podcasts are sponsored in part by Secretlab.
Thanks to its research-backed ergonomic design, including a proprietary 4-way adaptive lumbar support system, the Secretlab TITAN Evo Harry Potter Edition will comfortably support you even when you’re up to no good.