3282 Search results

For the term "Voldemort".

Voldemort is Alive

Dear Mr. Potter,

It is with great concern that I am writing you, Mr. Potter.

You see, I have read all seven volumes of your biography, written by Ms. Rowling, as well as seen all eight of the documentaries of your life. And there is but one thing that is left unanswered. I doubt anyone at Hogwarts would believe me, just as you felt when you were a student there. But I fear Voldemort was not entirely defeated. I know it sounds crazy, but please hear me out:

How does Lord Voldemort’s possession work?

Lord Voldemort is the second most powerful wizard the world has ever seen, and that entails being able to do a lot of impressive things, the most terrifying of which is his ability to possess. We’re first introduced to this concept in the very first novel, in the form of poor Professor Quirrell. Failing to obtain the Philosopher’s Stone on his own, the Dark Lord possesses him.

Video Feature of the Day: “Awkward Voldemort Moments”

The Harry Potter fandom is in consensus about one thing – Ralph Fiennes played an excellent Lord Voldemort in WB’s epic film series. That said, however, most fans also agree that there were some strange moments within those movies where the Fiennes-version of Voldemort did some pretty weird things.