2203 Search results

For the term "snape ".
New photos of Snape figurine

New photos of Snape figurine

Cards Inc. has released some great new shots of the Snape action figure, due out this summer. Remember that these action figures, and other Order of the Phoenix merchandise, will be posted on MuggleShop...

Severus Snape: A Portrait in Subtlety

by D.W. Hill (pentawork@epix.net) Copyright 2005, revised for MuggleNet 2007 Murdering a Friend: Rowling lays the groundwork for considering it a real option. Ever since finishing my first read of HBP in July 2005,...

Teenage Severus Snape

Did Snape Really Have a Life-Debt to James?

by Carol Grizzard (Shewoman) (All citations are from the U.S. hardback editions except for Chamber and Prisoner, which are from the U.S. paperbacks.) At the end of Philosopher’’s/Sorcerer’’s Stone, Dumbledore explains to Harry why Snape protected him that...