2203 Search results

For the term "snape ".

Slythering Snape

by Mr. and Mrs.  When this idea first hit me, I thought that I surely must be wrong; yet, when I analyzed it further, it seemed so very clever that I can believe that...

Severus Snape: Not Voldemort’s Man

by Anthony Goldstein Much has been written and speculated about Severus Snape, and that’’s as it should be. It seems to me that J.K. Rowling has taken no small pains to ensure that Snape...

Did Snape See Himself as a Mudblood?

by Ellen It’s happened to all of us as we read the Harry Potter books- new information comes along that makes us reread a past section in a whole new light. SS/PS has to be reread...

Severus Vs. Snape

by Kristian Caffrey But somebody else had spoken Snape’’s name, quite softly.  ““Severus…”…” The sound frightened Harry beyond anything he had experienced all evening. For the first time, Dumbledore was pleading….  Snape gazed for...

Snape Gets His Fondest Wish

by Rand In the many discussions and arguments that I have had with editorial writers and forum posters over the last several weeks since Half-Blood Prince came out over the true loyalties of Professor Snape, one...