2203 Search results

For the term "snape ".

The North Tower #36: Severus Snape 2: Losing Control

Hi everybody. Hope your holidays were nice. I thought I’d cut right to the chase and start with today’s article, which will continue my analysis of one Hogwarts Potions master. As I said in NT 34, there’s a lot to this character, so I’ll be writing a little series of articles about him. That’s the plan, but there might be some insertions (like the last one on Dumbledore) because of reader reactions as well.

Snape Relations

by Julia Isherwood While reading Order of the Phoenix for the seventh time, I came to realize what the two most important chapters were to me, at least in regards to one of my favorite characters....

Snape’s Worst Memory…or Not

by Sarah Mohipp Did the memory Harry watched in Dumbledore’s Pensieve truly belong to Professor Snape? I think there is room for doubt. Because Harry saw Snape putting thoughts into the Pensieve, he made...

The Burrow: Snape and Veritaserum

by Daniel D There are many things we know about the truth drug Veritaserum, and probably lots more things that we don’t. Lets recap: We know that it takes a whole month to mature;...

Why Snape?

by Hologhost It seems that JKR is mystified by the growing popularity of Professor Snape. Her comments at the recent Edinburgh Book Fair state: “Why do you love him? Why do people love Snape? I do...

Professor Snape As Animagus

by Louise Fecher Although The Goblet of Fire is a series highlight for many of J.K. Rowling’s fans, it was my least favorite of the Harry Potter books. Early on in the series, I was bitten...