2203 Search results

For the term "snape ".

I Hate Snape

by Jonathan Pessin Severus Snape. He has been called a hero, a bastard, a spy, a double-crosser, an ugly git, and several other sobriquets besides. Some feel he’s a good man who’s done bad...

Snape’s Got Issues

by Cynthia Parson Snape is an intriguing and complex character because he is a study of contradiction. He’s good and he’s bad and that makes him mysterious. He isn’t rude to everyone, just those...

The North Tower #16: Snape vs. Time

I got some mails putting forward the following candidates for “the one who’s left forever” instead of Fudge: Lockhart, Bagman and (of course) Snape. (I also got Percy, but since he would have been about four or five at the time he was an active Death Eater and even younger when he joined Voldemort, I won’t even discuss that. :-)) Today, I want to discuss these three characters (Lockhart, Bagman and Snape) and try to shed some light over that ominous scene in GoF when Voldemort assembles his followers and leaves us readers in the dark about the identity of most of them.

Do Snape and Harry have to Reconcile?

by Tazmy “I say to you all, once again — in the light of Lord Voldemort’s return, we are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided. Lord Voldemort’s...

What’s Eating Snape?

by Sarah and Jackie After Harry Potter and the Philosopher’’s Stone, Severus Snape became nothing but an extremely bad-tempered professor with a particular loathing for Harry. After we found out that he actually saved Harry...